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Strikkesett – MYPZ Chunky Mohair Cardigan Indian Summer No.15 (ENG-NL-NO)

Strikkesett – MYPZ Chunky Mohair Cardigan Indian Summer No.15 (ENG-NL-NO)

Regular price 1.537,00 NOK
Regular price Sale price 1.537,00 NOK
Sale Sold out
Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout.

Technique: All parts separately, seamed
Level: Easy
Stitches: Stocking stitch, 2x2 rib stitch
Model: Oversized
Gauge: 7 stitches & 8 rows = 10 x 10 cm in stocking stitch
Yarn weight: DK-weight (2 strands held double)
Sizes: XS/S, S/M, M/L, XL/XXL
Language: English (ENG), Dutch (NL), Norsk (NO), Deutsch (DE)
Needle size: 15mm (US 19) and 9mm (UK 00 / US 13) (bands only)

Denne tykke cardiganen er en glede å ha på seg og du bærer den som et varmt teppe. Du kan variere farger og garn. Vi brukte et tykt mohairgarn, men du kan også bruke andre typer garn. Bruk «tykt» garn, for eksempel merinoull. Lag først en testdel for å se om garnet er tykt nok for størrelsen på strikkepinnen. Hvis garnet ikke er tykt nok, kan du også velge å strikke med to tråder.

Hele mønsteret støttes av en strektegning som viser antall masker. Sjekk tegningen for alle steg.

Personen på bildet bruker størrelse M/L

Garn og farger
Modellen er strikket med 2 tråder samtidig av MYPZ Chunky Kidmohair DK.
Du kan ta en andre tråd fra midten av nøstet!

Settets innhold -for alle størrelser- (based on the cardigan on the picture) (XS/S, S/M, M/L) (XL/XXL):
• GRATIS mønsteret (PDF) vil bli sendt til deg på e-post.
• 1 bunt hand-dyed MYPZ Chunky Kidmohair DK Blossom
• 50 gram hand-dyed MYPZ Chunky Kidmohair DK Slam!
• 3 nøster MYPZ Chunky Kidmohair DK Off white
• 2 nøster MYPZ Chunky Kidmohair DK Black
• 1 nøster MYPZ Chunky Kidmohair DK Light Pink (+1 XL/XXL)
• 1 nøster MYPZ Chunky Kidmohair DK Mint
• 1 nøster MYPZ Chunky Kidmohair DK Neon Pink
• 1 nøster MYPZ Chunky Kidmohair DK Peach (+1 XL/XXL)
• 1 nøster MYPZ Chunky Kidmohair DK Turquoise
• 1 nøster MYPZ Chunky Kidmohair DK Dark brown
• 1 nøster MYPZ Chunky Kidmohair DK Baby Blue

XS/S: lengde: ± 72 cm | bredde: ± 54 cm
S/M: lengde: ± 72 cm | bredde: ± 57 cm
M/L: engde: ± 72 cm | bredde: ± 61 cm
XL/XXL: lengde: ± 72 cm | bredde: ± 68 cm

Strikkepinner (+ €18 valfri):
med minimumslengde ± 40cm (eller sirkulær):
• 9mm (UK 00 / US 13)
• 15mm (US 19)

Andre materialer:
• Stoppenål
• Maskemerkere
• Saks

About the tools we supply

We supply circular knitting needles. With these needles you can knit both straight and circular. Yes! Circular knitting needles are great for knitting flat (back and forth) as well.

How to video's (knitting)

Click here to go to the video page.

Shipping & Returns

Ships in 1-3 business days

When you return the kit, the pattern cannot be returned because it is a digital file. The €7,50,- of the pattern is then deducted. You agree with this upon purchase.

View full details
  • Shipping

    • Ships in 1-3 business days
    • Worldwide (Express) Shipping (delivery in 1-5 business days)
    • 14 day return guarantee
    • Shipping calculated at checkout
    • Free shipping: within Europe on orders over €200,- | within the Netherlands & Belgium over €150,-

  • Ordering a kit?

    After the payment is done you will receive an email with a link to the pattern. You can also download the pattern later again by clicking on the link in the email that you've received. You can save the pattern on your computer. Please also check you spam box after you ordered the pattern, it is possible the pattern email is there.

    When there is an update available for the pattern, you will automatically receive an email to download the updated pattern.

  • Always make a sample piece (gauge)

    The amount of yarn you need for this piece is based on our gauge. So when you knit with a different tension than ours, the sizing and amount of yarn you need will also be a bit different.

    > Do you knit tighter? Your piece will turn out smaller!

    > Do you knit looser? Your piece will turn out bigger, and you might need more yarn!